Feb, 02, 2023

Point of Care, Reimagined

The TEX20 Series point of care ultrasound helps clinicians reimagine their clinical practice in the demanding environments like critical care and emergency medicine.

X-Link: Information integration for improved decision-making

Types of bedside equipment provide various physiological information, including ultrasound imaging, ECG signals, and respiratory signals etc. The X-Link integrates these data and offers a brand new view on patient’s course of disease. It not only brings high-quality clinical value and accurate diagnosis to your daily practice, but also facilitates Multi-Disciplinary Treatment (MDT) and more advanced multi-modal clinical research.

With the Physio-View on X-Link, ECG and other physiological waves can be viewed overlaying on the ultrasound image for immediate decision making. While with U-View on X-Link, the ultrasound image and other physiological information can be integrated to Central Station for a general review. This solution brings you the unprecedented tool to achieve a higher level of diagnostic bedside care and scientific research.

X-Pilot: Clinical application-oriented workflow

Based on the professional society guidelines for point of care ultrasound, the X-Pilot suite integrates historical diagnostic images and multi-organ data and summarizes the information into a concise and precise view of the patient status to support rapid clinical decisions at the bedside.


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